Saturday, January 15, 2011

Metal Core Scooter Wheels In Usa

Conatel will apply the exhortations and fines on broadcasters as a new law

After completing six summonses to a couple of television in recent months, the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel) begin applying sanctions against media that comply with the new Law on Social Responsibility of Radio, Television and Electronic Media. Conatel
made this week a new Televen urge to suspend the transmission of programs and comedy 12 Corazones Chepe Fortuna, the first for evidence of sexual exhibitionism and encourage relationships emphasized in genital areas, and the second as an apology for having items to crime and anti-that threatened the moral and ethical people.
In an interview with the newspaper Correo del Orinoco, the general director of Conatel, Pedro Maldonado, said broadcasters have taken care of and comply with the requirement IntituciĆ³n has done.
"Now, this is the last time you called an operator of radio and television to urge for an item of this type. Penalties range from 1% to 10% of gross income in one year, or close to 72 hours.
said that next time will make use of punitive administrative procedures that may lead to some of the penalties mentioned.
With regard to the inclusion of electronic media in the new legislation explained that Venezuela is one of the countries of Latin America that internet penetration has increased, and thanks to government policies.
"Today more 40% of the population has access to the network, and nearly 40% have access to cable and other tools, which are the final communication. "
said that can not afford that in Venezuela the boys see web pages that show how a man is beheaded, or scatological content, horrible and depressing, that neither the worst movie of violence could see. "
Maldonado said Germany, France and Britain as countries that have preceded Venezuela in this type of legislation.
Review: Televen Conatel calls to suspend two programs for "demeaning content"


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