Copei: The party that refused to die "The dead who slew you in good health"
65 years later.
In the fifties (50), all summarized in the fight against dictatorship and democracy win, the unit was consolidated in prisons and dungeons, torture, repression and galvanized the principles. A praying and god help themselves. A January 23 satrap fled with bags full of money, his love of country, nationalism was content with a handful of dollars in exile.
In the sixties (60) the country is moving slowly with a political project shared by all social sectors, inclusive democracy, freedom, equality before law, social mobility are values allow key military and political defeat the guerrilla insurgency, the Cuban invasion, coups. Venezuela is modernized, are an example of democracy in a continent plagued by dictatorships and strong political confrontations. Betancourt, Leoni, Caldera are the trident that consolidate democratic proposal and successfully facing the influence of the "Cuban revolution"
In the seventies (70) are actually the unfulfilled promises of the revolution of the year 45, nationalized basic industries, cut the chains that bind us to the empire, the devil's excrement in the voice of Alfonso Perez is now ours. However, successive oil crisis, abundant resources and ECLAC indigestion the overprotected domestic industry, diluted controls, corruption, greed expands its tentacles and the extreme dependency and weakness of the national economy take their toll.
not followed the recipe all advised "Sowing the Oil", built dams, universities, bridges, housing developments but did not develop the productive apparatus, not unleashed the productive capacity of the people, we become a nation of homeowners , rent-seeking deepened, strengthened centralism and warlordism reborn from its ashes. Luis Herrera, Lusinchi is like you, Caldera, Perez, certify the crisis of a development model based on a model of strong state and philanthropic. A giant with feet of clay, a philanthropic ogre, overweight, tired and paraplegic.
In the eighties (80) is constructed underground, we continue living the illusion of harmony. The fluctuations of oil prices anchor the economy to its whims, of the good intentions of Luis Herrera passed to Bohemia Jaime Lusinchi, reserves are depleted, will freeze the renovation, internal democracy and the possibilities of future generations political leaders, returning the old leaders to address the problems of a system that makes water everywhere.
And when you have to appeal to the wisdom, intelligence, maturity and sacrifice of a people who feel their leaders true purpose of amendment and shared sacrifice, discontent and dissatisfaction portend a storm. The banking crisis and the devaluation explode with force to the surprise and indignation of ta'barato give me two. The traditional parties are dying slowly.
in Venezuela of ninety (90) times are tomentose, insurrections, coups, shaking, demonstrations, protests, anti-political and abstention take over the country. A deaf hate corrodes the bowels of the country, vengeance, intolerance and resentment incubated in the midlife crisis of the democratic system, the forty (40) years that might mean time to modify, change, weighting, evaluation, otherwise the solution involved a progressive way of life. The abundance of money facilitates the breaking of boundaries, principles and values.
Democracy is diluted and so hard to lose what we have achieved. Attempts to transform the centralized model, FAW, annuitant with the modernization of the state, the election of mayors and governors, the democratization of the parties, are not sufficient, only prolong the painful agony. Perez fails to finish his second term, failed proposal to modernize its economy, its messianism was not enough to change the existing paradigms in the country. Caldera leaves the originating party, founded another and reach his second presidential nomination, barely strong enough to avoid the dreaded civil war and announced the final confrontation of social classes, the transition goes to the plodding pace of the ancien régime. For now is the threat of the sharp guillotine.
The decade-long and two thousand (2000), at the beginning of the new era, announcing the apocalypse. Armageddon comes sweeping the constitution of the year 61. Santon Sabaneta The voice of thunder announces the end of all evils The earth trembles before him notice of the construction of the Paradise on earth. In the hands of Cubans, North Korea, The Chinese, having been allied with the FARC and ETA starts construction of socialism in the XXI century. At last the dream of Bolivar will become possible. In his delirium
Chávez is wielding the sword glorious liberation. Popular hosts will bite the dust of defeat the paper tiger, the U.S. will be released by their former slaves, the shameful and greedy capitalism will be demolished to the last of its foundation. Chavez how modern-day Noah Ark lead the men and women pregnant with new to a better future, when forces are unleashed natural they finished with the vices and sins that the infernal capitalism has planted in the peoples of the world. The poor only have to lose are your chains. Her dreams finally come true. The groups are threatening a blood orgy of liberation.
But the long-awaited changes were ephemeral dreams, the Revolution was born pregnant with the vices and evils that said combat, corruption slowly being corroded, inefficient metastasized, madness sign their development, ending in a grand opera buffa in a farce full of absurdities. The lost decade spent a decade infertile, this system has become a monumental waste money and opportunities.
could not even imitate China's revolution with its great leap forward, with the thesis "No matter what color the cat, as long as it catches mice." The factories are paralyzed, stopped calving cows and produce milk, the crops are not given or lost, the rent-seeking is heightened, agriculture exponentiates ports, dreams of freedom, independence and development crashed into the piers of the stubbornness Fidel imitate the model.
Pure grandstanding, chains, speeches and words, zero production of wealth and economic development. Sheer will and hope and nothing to wear to her mouth to satiate hunger, pure and simple. Without hope a roof for shelter. Faced with violence and insecurity. Today
Copei has a second chance at such a monumental failure. Management is so bad, so meager results of the current regime to look back to earlier results a true hope, a concrete offer. How little or much as a party we have done is extraordinary at such insane government work. It behooves us therefore show purpose of amendment, to show that we learned from the mistakes seriously.
This change began with the democratic renewal of our authorities, we are willing to shoulder our share of sacrifice and committed to implement and practice our principles, experience and quality, values \u200b\u200band ideals. Reaffirm our commitment to the humble and hardworking people. More and better democracy, deepening decentralization, keep the good refuse the evil.
single card. Primaries for the election of officers, formation of the Broad Front in Defense of the Constitution of the year 99, freedom and democracy. Today we are Future.