Saturday, March 20, 2010

Putting Sharks To Sleep

COPEI Deferred internal elections for amparo

COPEI has eight years without conducting internal elections and the authorities have done everything possible to avoid consulting the party base. To limit our right to choose.

"We'll always have the possibility of returning to beasts.
But if we are to remain human, then only one route,
the open society.
We continue into the unknown, the uncertain and unstable
serving us for the reason that we have,
to ensure the security and freedom to which we aspire "Karl R.
"The Open Society and Its Enemies"

On appeal to the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court by four people who consider his right to vote in internal elections COPEI ... "Declares Injunction application filed innominate and therefore ordered the suspension the act of voting to select officials COPEI political organization, the Popular Party, whose completion was scheduled for March 21, 2010, pending final sentencing in this cause. " 19/03/2010. That ruling forces in the next 96 hours to convene a hearing between the parties to adduce the evidence, arguments and resolve differences, to correct the problems and then decide on an urgent reprogramming the electoral timetable.

COPEI The party has eight years without making any elections that will allow its membership to all democratically elected and legitimate authorities, elected officials were present transiently for six months to convene such a process and in the last four years have used all kinds of arguments and excuses both internally and externally to prevent their realization.

When the current party officials tried to dismiss the electoral commission and this went before the Supreme Court to prevent further abuse did not hesitate to qualify the decision in favor of the electoral commission legitimate and democratically elected a federal council the party as an intrusion of the system in the internal affairs of the party and then happy and irresponsibly graded the components of the iron today one of representatives of the government. Today to this adverse decision, generated by the same court (TSJ) can not use the same fallacious arguments they "are like a watermelon: green on the outside but red inside"

We are certainly on the eve of an election process important for destinations , the election of representatives to the national assembly and the experience of recent years requires us to build consensus and strengthen the unity process between all sectors and democratic forces in the country, build a message, a coherent policy and intelligent to allow important sectors of the electorate, which have been borne by the proposed scheme, not accompany them in their permanent radicalization process of transforming the country into a copy of the existing models in North Korea, Cuba and Iran.

But to do that Venezuelans must feel real purpose to amend the mistakes made in the recent past, we believe in what we say because we practice honest and internally. We are not equal to those we seek to replace. That our talk of social commitment is not part of an electoral strategy, but we are committed to the people and country, we will build with them, the people, the people the new Venezuela, and we must make the party COPEI in what was once a hope of change and democratic transformation engine of economic development and productive without forgetting their humanity and Bolivar.

The future has no closed doors, secret paths, or horizons default, is open to continued confrontation and subject to criticism and change endogenous, ie that occur from within, is constructed daily by the action and / or omission of its citizens, for the daily implementation of democratic mechanisms for consultation and democratic choice, not the one who defines himself as such, but those who put into practice the principles and values \u200b\u200bin which they claimed to believe.

The Chavez government has used the weaknesses, mistakes and weaknesses of the democratic system itself increasingly quantitative and qualitative limits established in the constitution proposed by them, to undermine our political and economic rights, to limit each day free expression, and ignoring agreements which provide for the observance of human rights. All this has been achieved using in the way of democratic mechanisms but ignoring and violating the substance, the essence of the principles behind a true democracy. It is up

not cease in our efforts to rescue the democratic principles and values \u200b\u200bthat underpin the history of our party ... "Everything has its moment: There is a time for everything under heaven: A time to plant and a time to uproot, A time to tear and a time to build" ... what does not kill us makes us stronger. This decision allows us to correct the mistakes and likely the result reinforced the process and allow us as soon as possible to restore the legitimacy and institutionalization of the party COPEI.

Carlos Melo, Angel Cacique

http://www.tsj / decisions / consulta_sala.asp? room = 006 & day = 19/3/2010 & name = Hall% 20Electoral


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