admitted by the Supreme Court this coming March 21 internal elections were made
The best way to defend Democracy, is constantly trying to always put into practice the principles very basic, discussion of ideas, respect for minorities, regular elections transparent, reliable records and compliance with the decision of the majority results.
been eight (8) years from the completion of the last national election in the party COPEI and although two years ago it was agreed by a majority of the current leadership of the national call as quickly as possible, it was only after the ratification of the internal electoral commission COPEI, the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court, which could complete the various and complex internal processes and technicians who make it possible to hold these elections the Sunday 21 March this year.
In the country there is a discussion concerning whether the pattern of prevailing governance system is effectively a fully democratic and modern. Certainly the electoral and democratic origin of President Hugo Chavez does not support different interpretation, but after his arrival to power the Constitution has used a set of specific strategies for the democratic system (assembly constituent referendum, elections) which, together with laws passed by a majority in the National Assembly (parliament) and interpretations of the Supreme Court (electoral and constitutional rooms), have allowed not only to remain in power for eleven (11) years but progressively dismantling institutionally the basics of it: separation and balance of powers (The government gradually takes on more responsibilities and focus decisions politically, practically nullifies the decentralization process to create figures appointed by the executive itself and instances through which flow to the various state and municipal budget resources that should correspond to the elected officials), known by the legislative election results (politically and economically substantially limits the Metropolitan Mayor-elect, and imposes by subterfuge his constitutional reform proposal that was previously denied at the time) and promotes substantial changes to the model existing democracy.
Prior to coming to power through elections of President Hugo Chávez commander, there was a tenacious campaign against anti political parties and served as a breeding ground for authoritarian pretensions of it, certainly the organizational weakness, economic, social, institutional and current political parties existing democratic opposition (representing only among all the 16% to 25% of the voting intentions) is referred to in the first instance to their own internal practices and of course the explicit objective from the very government to restrict as much as possible.
is in this context that all attempts to register anew, legitimize, renew, transform the party COPEI in an effective political instrument, a vast popular and democratic movement that allow electoral defeat this regime, restore democratic institutions, transform the state in a plural instrument at the service of national majorities, making him and his resources in real levers economic and social development of the country. To demand more and better democracy on the outside, we must give effect to national principles and values \u200b\u200bthat sustain. Therefore
from coming this March 21, date of completion of the internal elections of COPEI, new horizons open internal and external.
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