Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Auditor Removal Letter

Eleven dead in the parish on January 23 despite the extension of the Easter day off

Carlos Melo: "The representatives of the popular choice for the next National Assembly, must be linked closely to the complex reality that they live. Your selection can not be the result of improvisation and arrangements cupulares. "

Caracas: 30/03/2010. Violence shakes again the notorious slum of January 23, eleven killed in a weekend, dramatically reflect the everyday reality of the capital of the republic. In this scenario the table unit is preparing to choose by consensus or the next primary representatives of the democratic opposition to the National Assembly by the Libertador municipality. In this context the view of a leader closely linked to the popular sectors of Caracas, as Carlos Melo are significant levels. "The table unit can not be limited to an administrative division of positions to be elected in the various circuits, should make the evaluation of previous election results, considering the pre-existing natural leaders in them, evaluate the policy considerations specific to each particular circuit "

Specifies the current national board member COPEI party: "The current Unitary officers, who in the recent past formed the Democratic Coordinator and the various campaign headquarters of both candidates to be elected at the presidential level, as the liberator metropolitan municipalities must assess the political mistakes committed in these processes, review the municipality's permanent neglect deliverer, pondering the consequences of the lack of consistent policies aimed at the grassroots, can not and must act mechanically "

For Carlos Melo:" In some parishes of the Libertador Municipality leadership can not be improvised or imported candidates aspiring automatic election results, if something must serve eleven years of democratic struggle is that we should learn from the strategic and tactical mistakes made, we need to internalize that Chavismo is not an easy bone to chew, which has abundant resources to maintain, at least until 26 September, unbridled and irresponsible populism and additionally is willing to resort to all kinds of tricks to stay in power and we - the opposition can not give comparative advantages. "

Announces Carlos Melo: "Putting my name to be considered in the circuit formed by the parishes January 23, San Juan Cathedral, Altagracia and Santa Teresa, due to a tradition of struggle and positive electoral results obtained in these parishes, the attempt to try to improve the quality of debate, we can not repeat electoral experiments in the past have failed, what it is that in these parishes emblematic Chavismo, we who handed significant political defeats "Professor Proposes

Carlos Melo: "We call its own rules: no consensus should be made to primary, the surveys or ultimately allow the electorate decides that circuit. The results can be used as reference to avoid that our differences become a chance for victory suffered Chavismo in these parishes. " C Melo concludes: "This coming election campaign should not become a tournament of personal whims, ego satisfaction, should be taken as a golden opportunity to retake the path of progress, prosperity and reconciliation of the Venezuelan family"


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