With or without rain, blackouts, rationing, power outages continue
Militarizing the electrical system is not the solution to the problem.
Carlos Melo: "Copei available to the Government plans, projects, and technical advisers to help overcome the severe power crisis facing the country "
Caracas 11/09/2010.- The government said at the conclusion of El NiƱo and the natural consequence long summer rationing problems, blackouts, controlled courts would no longer occur in the country. Recently officials from the Ministry of Environment announced that they found it necessary opening the floodgates of Guri, because given the intensity of the winter the main dam of the country had reached their maximum levels and also officials of the ministry of energy and Corpolec reported that planned investments (over $ 4000 this year) joined the international loans such as the Venezuelan Development (CVF) 387 million extra dollars would definitively resolve the serious problems in the national electricity system. But despite all these ads the crisis continues.
For Copei national leader Carlos Melo the path chosen by the government continues to be the wrong one to address this serious problem "Militarization, kleptocracy and Brutocracia far from solving the problem is being aggravated." Refine Carlos Melo in the last eleven years, the government presents as the great solution to the various problems that occur in the country, the use of the military and the results are clear, put tanks in underground stations and insecurity and poor service increases. Put battleships and submarines in port and was rotting food in the conteiner. Put planes and helicopters to fly over and you fall Guri power lines and transformers explode therefore needs to review this policy.
The government says it has made considerable investments to solve the energy crisis and we believe maintains Carlos Melo, but the results do not support the claim that officials therefore need to combat waste, corruption and impunity (Kleptocracy). But the main problem faced is the Brutocracia (inept government) as the solutions in the electrical field required are technical, highly specialized technology and we put on the government's order, but mainly to help the country technicians and professionals Copei party to submit plans, programs, projects that help build the solutions that this area is required.
Copei national leader, said "The serious consequences in the health sector in the economic and social is the deepening of the electrical system in the country requires us to provide the government a contribution that we are sure they are much needed in the areas of management, transparency and efficiency in managing resources, "concluded Carlos Melo" We can not remain indifferent to the serious process of destruction of the country and thus to contribute Copei with their best professional and technical services to resolve the serious crisis of the electrical system before we all run out of light "
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