The January 30, 1948 was assassinated in India, Mahatma Gandhi after leading the nationalist movement of his country against the savage colonialism of the British Empire, on April 4, 1968 is murdered in the United States, Martin Luther King after his tireless fight against American apartheid and discrimination racial, the January 23, 2010 died in Cuba after 86 days on hunger strike Orlando Zapata, being a prisoner of conscience in defense of a democratic restoration desired contrary to the totalitarian regime that ruled his country for over 50 years; August 30, 2010 Franklin Brown dies in Venezuela after eight months on hunger strike in protest of the illegal and capricious power arguments totalitarian dissident condemning the extermination of the individual physical and symbolic reasons, without a human, ethical or legal. What do these four lives together? His unflinching moral force against excessive and overwhelming power.
shared the same ideals of freedom, embracing the most noble causes in the most adverse and difficult circumstances. Was enough reason and the strong desire for justice to deal with the absolute power. No one advocated armed struggle. His non-violent resistance only pursued the call of conscience of their opponents and recognizing the rights of others. Personal delivery later became inspiration for thousands.
It is logical to see the contempt that these initiatives have raised civil totalitarianism both right and left over from history. German fascism inhumanly reduced to the category "enemies." Soviet Stalinism chased to death his former supporters for exercising the complaint or criticism. The Castro regime described as common criminals to individuals seeking greater freedoms. The current Venezuelan government imprisons and restrict political dissent until the end. In either case, the macabre script totalitarian reason is the same: no limits when it comes to crush dissent. No wonder
that the dignity and courage shown by Franklin Brito dementia is labeled as a leviathan deeply intolerant, unable to see in it the strength and civilian resistance of an entire people. Symbol begins to penetrate the national consciousness, and whose deep roots make paths and future of Venezuela. His example naked as any pride and intoxication of power. That absurd: life menaced by the shadow totalitarian got the best answer: life itself. The gift of life for a life of dignity, human, definitely far from the hegemonic power remains immeasurable.
Yesterday, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, today, Orlando Zapata and Franklin Brown, flags of humanity that flame victorious over the soulless revolutions, examples of the struggle for dignity that touched home soil today. Let his footsteps. Franklin
shared the same ideals of freedom, embracing the most noble causes in the most adverse and difficult circumstances. Was enough reason and the strong desire for justice to deal with the absolute power. No one advocated armed struggle. His non-violent resistance only pursued the call of conscience of their opponents and recognizing the rights of others. Personal delivery later became inspiration for thousands.
It is logical to see the contempt that these initiatives have raised civil totalitarianism both right and left over from history. German fascism inhumanly reduced to the category "enemies." Soviet Stalinism chased to death his former supporters for exercising the complaint or criticism. The Castro regime described as common criminals to individuals seeking greater freedoms. The current Venezuelan government imprisons and restrict political dissent until the end. In either case, the macabre script totalitarian reason is the same: no limits when it comes to crush dissent. No wonder
that the dignity and courage shown by Franklin Brito dementia is labeled as a leviathan deeply intolerant, unable to see in it the strength and civilian resistance of an entire people. Symbol begins to penetrate the national consciousness, and whose deep roots make paths and future of Venezuela. His example naked as any pride and intoxication of power. That absurd: life menaced by the shadow totalitarian got the best answer: life itself. The gift of life for a life of dignity, human, definitely far from the hegemonic power remains immeasurable.
Yesterday, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, today, Orlando Zapata and Franklin Brown, flags of humanity that flame victorious over the soulless revolutions, examples of the struggle for dignity that touched home soil today. Let his footsteps. Franklin
Copei Rebel
Copei Rebel
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