Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Queen Bed In A Cargo Van



day ended with a wonderful gift that has made us the BBK and built with love Oier, Kerman and Ager, showing a sensitivity beyond the professional. Today was a strange day, but Mentxu and I have embraced and excited to finish in front of the computer watching and listening to this unexpected kiss.

Excited they appear in the video @ s friend accompanying us without expecting anything in return, @ s friend who are building this for others. And we have been so many memories and feelings of the day 27 and the night he wrote that letter and Andoni of the three rings representing Andoni, Jon and Mary and the landscapes that make up the picture of our life ...

ht tp: / / www.youtube.com/user/BBKwebTV?blend = 1 & b = 5 # p/u/0/-Xelhp1AFlI

The song, for those who may know is not "Keep Painting", part of the EP that we released with the name "Painting a future." The history of this song you have on this blog in August and September entries. ASKO ESKERRIK

BBK, Oier, Kerman Ager eta!


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