could not but be. In recent years we have always had to Globovisión next door fighting with us in this, which we believe the fairest of the battles. The battle for freedom.
When others turned their eyes and drew the calculations, you were there. And transmitters witnessed abuse of power that forcibly removed from the houses of the Venezuelans, the signal of RCTV free of charge first and RCTVI later.
In RCTV do not like black lists, we make white. Millions of Venezuelans who suffered and protested and we are on that list, but the first place is yours. A friend is forever and you have shown and continue to be demonstrated.
Our screen is not in Venezuela, but our word comes through various channels to Venezuelans and those words today are alert, protest and outrage at what is happening with Globovision.
We want you to know that we have. We are living, not as some would have disappeared and we fighting for this country, democracy and seeking to kidnap a citizen who, having something to say, is gagged, threatened and harassed by those who need silence and more silence to cover their misdeeds.
No doubt, in this country, the size of the commitment of RCTV and Globovision with Venezuela. And that commitment baffles the dividing loyalties only get gifts. Surely
Situation Room in Miraflores the invading army of advisers that surround it should act as the president of all Venezuelans, when they see the dignity of workers Globovisión and RCTV, which is nothing more than a reflection of the dignity of the majority of Venezuelans do not choice but to exclaim what the General said Tigranes against the Spartans, as reported by Herodotus in his Histories:
"By the gods! Mardonio, what kind of people are these against whom you have brought us to fight? They do not compete for riches but for honor!
All workers of Radio Caracas Television Globovisión.