08/05/2010 Caracas. (COPEI). The Sec General of Caracas COPEI-popular game-Angel Cacique stated: Inflation in Venezuela, according to Central Bank's own data, achieved in the last month by 5.2%, more than double the previous month. Despite the substantial income received in the last eleven years (more than 900 billion dollars) and the incessant cry by various government spokesmen that achieve food sovereignty, 52% of the products of the daily diet consumed by imports from Venezuela.
Cacique continued. To resolve the various problems caused by the ineptitude, inefficiency and corruption of officials of various levels of government, the commander decided to import Cuban president and we have up in the soup, but as the official statistics do not add up: In the past five years barely able to build 36,000 homes per year when the annual deficit is around 120 000 homes per year. As the price rises for meat and away from shops in the industry, ordered to jail butchers, realizing the mistake attacks the owners of the slaughterhouses and farmers, unable to recognize the infeasibility of the economic policies proposed by his government are responsible for all ills.
COPEI Caracas The Spokesman argument, invasions, insecurity, killings and abduction of rural producers production difficult and expensive, the policy of apartheid applied to the granting of foreign currency for import of inputs, equipment, the restriction of access of the portfolio of loans granted by banks to the state associated with the production and development industrial and economic development has virtually paralyzed or forced to a decrease in production of various items of mass consumption.
He added COPEI The Sec General of Caracas: The mothers on their day can not enjoy at your table with some of the traditional products of the Venezuelan food, their children and grandchildren will not have access in the near future to decent housing and possibly a paying job and all that is happening to the various officials of the regime is now bringing the first Cuban and Russian officials to solve their problems that manifest incapacity of them all he did was aggravate: Insecurity, inflation, shortages, rationing of water and light, a deficit in housing and course waste and corruption.
concluded Angel Cacique: This government is torn garments nationalism claiming an alleged practice not to give sensitive and strategic areas of the Venezuelan state initially Cubans and the Russians now. militarized state, Cubanized to top sports and health, then give them the education, registration and internal security itself, now to hand over to the Russians to build houses, roads and later PDVESA.
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