Copei XXI century.
Copei in XXI century.
64 years of history. Corrections
Time and Change
"It's difficult to ask the people who sacrificed himself for the XXI Century Socialism, when you think that this regime can not feed him, provide security, combat corruption and to guarantee freedom"
Certainly the process of institutional collapse, social anomie, increased structural poverty, moral and ethical decay, destruction of national production did not begin with the arrival to power of President Chávez commander. But it is clear after 11 years of misrule that the magnitude of the crisis was going through the society and the economy as a whole, which somehow justified the coup attempts and facilitated the ascent to power of the military coup by Lt. dark through elections, far from being solved have worsened exponentially.
The production system is weakened to a greater extent, suffering the highest inflation in Latin America, we are becoming more dependent and less self-sustaining, the weight of the contribution of the oil industry and the almost exclusive dependence on government spending increased instead of decreasing. The dream cherished by generations of Venezuelans turned to see the special reserves of oil, mineral resources, outstanding geographic location, the undeniable advantages in powerful levers of development, to transform valuable but scarce resources and renewable no ram that would allow us break down the barriers of backwardness, underdevelopment and poverty is becoming increasingly remote under the current regime.
The rent-seeking, populism, the mono output and excessive dependence on commodity exports, centralization, statism, militarism, the endemic problems that have hindered the effective incorporation into modernity, the twenty-first century, prosperous country concert, productive of the Venezuelan nation, have grown with the corruption and growing violence and most scary is that this situation has occurred after Venezuela's oil bonanza has seen the most extraordinary in its history. More than a billion dollars of revenue, more than ten years in office are inefficient and unproductive the powerful karma that the crisis of the democratic model of the 90, the anti-politics and the collapse of the political parties will future generations inherit a of Venezuelans.
President Chavez takes pride in its sheer ignorance, in their ideological blindness, to ignore the complex and competitive realities of the globalized modern world, strutting proudly abundant resources to spend on buying weapons. Expands to invest the time to devote to govern, to solve the urgent problems of the Venezuelan society, in the obsessive and paranoid search for new enemies, anti-civilizational To lead proposals. Forget that the priority social investment that the development of education, science, technology, culture, intelligence, are the true instruments of liberation from poverty and underdevelopment, not understood its geopolitical and bullying behind us more and more distant of the great goals of humanity, peace, welfare and the mainstreaming of man with his environment and the environment. Effectively overcoming obvious social inequities of the hand is better and greater confidence in the institutions, the balance of powers, decentralization and the existence of a fair, reliable and upright judicial mechanism. That peace is the hand of freedom and dialogue.
His vision of "Socialism of the XXI Century", is contravened what has been the experience of mankind since the twentieth century ended. Today, twenty years after the fall Berlin Wall, it is unlikely to endorse, without the necessary critical review, flags and proposals that failed so miserably. Obviously, not everything is the sole responsibility of the Hero of Sabaneta de Barinas, the leaders of the opposition, political parties, civil society, all Democrats are allocated a share of the blame. Certainly those who died in the fight for freedom, exiles, political prisoners, are hard count of ten years of unremitting resistance, in which important sectors of society and political parties have contributed their share of sacrifice to try to prevent the continuation a proposal retrograde and outmoded.
But, they are undeniable tactical and strategic errors committed during these arduous 11 years, zero parliamentarians, few mayors, four governors are just the product of democratic forces have succeeded in maintaining, against all odds and with immense difficulties , an average of around 40% of the vote opponent throughout the journey Chavista. But these results have not been transformed unfortunately real share of power, the few existing members are the product of dissent from Chavez himself and the jackpot was the effective reduction of its powers and its budget, after having gained around 800,000 Metropolitan Mayor's votes.
Copei, a historic match, with 64 years of existence, 3 presidential terms, co-founder of democracy in Venezuela will prevent shirk their responsibilities and forced to renew their commitment daily to change substantially the current plight of the country. To this must be renewed structural and programmatically, updated, modernized, while maintaining its core firm honest, democratic and humanist. It should give practical demonstrations of competence, efficiency, according to the principles and values \u200b\u200bthat underpin it. Must exercise internally democratic principles that the regime systematically violated in order to have the moral authority to demand its application to society as a whole. The out door unit demand should be the norm closed doors. We must preach by example and witness that we are diametrically different to the system that we intend to replace, of course without abandoning our social commitments, without blurring our relationship with the popular and productive, without forgetting our roots, without breaking our democratic principles.
Copei The example can be displayed with pride, the testimony we bequeath to posterity our two former presidents died, his governmental efforts, lean and simple life, honesty foolproof contrasts with the obscene and ill-gotten wealth they preach and exhibit shamelessly minor officials of the current regime. The contrast between managed resources and works carried out in public management is amply for the administration of former presidents copeyanos. It certainly made mistakes and omissions, many promises and proposals were in the pipeline, could not run, but the historical record remains favorable, peace, reconciliation, peace-driven in their governments are showing tolerance and respect for the values democratic regime that systematically violates and ignores.
This requires us to work effort, sacrifice and courage, the future requires us not to act as Lot's wife failing to become pillars of salt, we can no longer prisoners of our past, it behooves us to learn from him, it is imperative to overcome it true to our historical tradition, but flexible and open to changes and demands of modern times. The challenges of overcoming the serious unresolved problems in society and the Venezuelan economy involves broad call to our most talented and professional, sincere union requires the best men and women of all ages to successfully face challenges, with emphasis on new generations of ideas, proposals and approaches, open to change and consistent with our principles and values democratic.
more urgently today than yesterday, we are committed to overcoming poverty, inequality and exclusion, to correct the serious mistakes that will inherit this dark regime to contemporary Venezuela. The short-term challenge is to overcome institutional weaknesses and basically to keep alive the premises of social justice, equitable development and respect for the environment. Tolerance, respect for each other's ideas and the pursuit of peace is unavoidable commitments. Return the personal and legal security will be a daunting task, but requires to be taken firmly and generating the necessary social consensus. Forgiveness is an essential part of our program but just ask and exemplary punishment of the perpetrators of the outrages committed against the national heritage. Review in detail the complex and convoluted legislative legacy of the current regime is the main priority, to separate the wheat from the chaff, good from evil and speaking with a legal and constitutional framework in line with the times that correspond to transit the country.
The Future is our building and Copei is required to practice democracy it represents to meet the cost which means engaging with the ideas, principles and values \u200b\u200bthat underpin it. Times are hard, the society demands changes Copei results and is committed to them. Unity, democracy, sensitivity social, courage, principles, tools are needed. Welfare, sustainable development, success, progress, equity, are the results that Venezuela will enjoy.
Cacique Carlos Melo and Angel
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