Thursday, August 26, 2010

Does A Primary Tumor Develop From Nerve Tissue

For Life, Against Insecurity and a decent future life

Women's National March for Life and against insecurity
From the Zona Rental Plaza Venezuela to California.

"In Venezuela we are all on probation.
injustice has taken over our homes.
My responsibility is not only my husband, the curators, the police officers.
is with all victims of political persecution in our country.
injustice must vanish from Venezuela.
Freedom for our prisoners, persecuted and Venezuelan political exiles "
MarĂ­a del Pilar (Bony) Simonovis.

Saturday 28 August.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Shooting Pains On Left Side Of Neck

Does the armed struggle?

Does effective armed struggle?

" A government that takes power through the democratic process needs the support of armed groups? Although it is unlikely the question, the answer is even more: This government does. In addition to openly promote armed groups to defend the revolution ", the funds and protect the outlaw. Yet at the same time, to the international community, ask the ELN and the FARC to abandon the armed struggle, noting the clear anachronism of political methods, apart from the illegality and illegitimacy that represent today's world. But, with great chutzpah, on home soil, promotes these militias (away from any sense or political theory) barricaded himself with weapons from the Venezuelan Army. Not to mention the fact of having an armed organization that calls itself the Bolivarian Liberation Forces. Why get rid of what?, How corruption and inefficiency?

This shocking reality reveals the precarious conception of government on political dissent. A contempt for the opposition missed that, elsewhere, a critical means necessary government and an important relay of life in a democracy. The ability to express dissent within a society unlike the democracies of the authoritarian, the latter, accustomed to a high use of coercion to achieve compliance, without considering the necessary consensus. Giovanni Sartori, in his book What is democracy?, Says the opposition is an organ of popular sovereignty as vital as the government and to cancel is to cancel the people themselves. Will the government ever imagined in opposition?

Armed struggle equated with opposition with an enemy forfeit any right, which, even by thinking differently and have conflicting interests "class", are denied life. No one disputes the elements of class, but making a political war today on behalf of the class struggle line in the grossest ignorance. They take power on behalf of an oppressed class historically often become the oppressor class, otherwise the royal family pregĂșntenselo Castro Ruz, who has 51 years in office next to his privileged Communist Party, prehistoric museum Cuba. The political debate now forced to guarantee the right to exercise opposition to state power and to object to the armed struggle as a means to overcome social conflicts. Piccone

Franklin Sanabria / COPEI-Rebelde