Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Foot Fungus Little Red Bumps

Granier RCTV Launches World "in defense of plurality"

A One month since the government take out of the subscription television systems to Radio Caracas Television International, the president of Empresas 1BC, Marcel Granier, said that they will fight to ensure the survival of pluralism in the country, and as a demonstration of it announced that RCTV was inscribed, "under protest" as a "national producer" and the creation of a new signal.

"We decided to face a new challenge (...) I announce to Venezuela, Latin America and the world we are willing and able and prepared to open a new window for the plurality, freedom, democracy and entertainment. That window is called RCTV World, our new international channel, "said the manager, at a press conference held yesterday at the headquarters of the station at the corner of Barcenas.

Granier said that only 29% of the content of the new signal will be produced in the country. Although he said that there is no legal limit for the channel to begin operations immediately, the manager did not rule that the Government will go to "any occurrence" to prevent it.

also stated that work in tandem with World RCTV RCTV International and both will be tuned in the country, through pay television, but the purpose of the first is to go further beyond our borders. Under protest

On the future of RCTV, the president of Empresas 1BC said they will continue struggling to achieve the annulment of the rule adopted by the Commission Telecommunications Commission (Conatel) last December and which was sustained this office to end their broadcasts.

Granier said that while waiting for the Supreme Court to rule on the legality of the instrument to let them off the air for the second time in less than three years, RCTV Internacional is registered as a national average, thereby bringing to resume its broadcasts.

The decision implies that RCTV will join the presidential broadcasts, you must issue the national anthem three times a day and can not spread in the afternoon soap operas, among others.

"What is the pressure to transmit RCTV Internacional chains, if a large amount of national media and do (...) Why are we so afraid? What is the real reason that leads him to try again and disappear again RCTV? "I asked President Hugo Chávez, a moment after he answer:" Because he wants to silence all critical voices. "
candles at the funeral

Granier would not comment on the changes in the direction of Globovisión, alleging that he was advised "not to get into the problems of marriage friends."

However, he considered the accusations false considering that the removal Alberto Ravell is a claudication of the shareholders of the plant (Guillermo Zuloaga, and Nelson Mezerhane) to pressure the government.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blobs Of Blood Period

COPEI COPEI overcome their differences, FEBRUARY 28 WILL BE THE PARTY PRIMARY COPEI. We Are All One

"The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is
that in a democracy you vote
before obeying orders"
Charles Bukowski

the real winners of the internal elections COPEI WILL THE FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY AND all Venezuelans.

In a country where every day becomes more narrow the fence authoritarian and restricted the freedoms of expression and assembly, Copei took on the challenge of settling, as befits a party essentially democratic, humanist and Christian roots, to overcome policy their natural positive difference to the conduct of primaries, where the base Copeyanos, silent mass has the opportunity to express their vote, their opinion and the country generated a leadership legitimized by popular approval.

been eight years since the completion of the last primaries internal investigations within the party, Copei as all Venezuelan democrats we have had to walk the arduous desert of democratic resistance to prevent the perpetuation of a messianic self-defined project, which seeks its absolute and indefinite perpetuation in power. There has been and will not be easy to defeat such claims, it requires intelligent effort and partnership of all those willing to defend their principles, values, ideology, his conception of society and man. It is clear to the Christian Democrats, loyal to our conceptions, which are the true enemies of freedom and democracy. We find it hard to take as our behavior and policies that reject both in others: intolerance, des a priori classification, denial of the ideas and the rights of others just because they think like us. Therefore the strategy will not fall into ruin comfortable and to disqualify those who have been in these difficult years of struggle and our democratic resistance "fellow traveler." Certainly

visions, ideas, policy proposals flying iron components No. One, involving differences could not qualify for subtle, or so naive that make up the plate No. 100. But, and it is important to emphasize at a time when most Copeyanos not accompany us on our proposals, we do not retire to winter quarters to ruminate on our way, or leave the scene of the struggle for democracy and much less conducive the destruction of the party, because we have very clear the ultimate goal, the primary "A Venezuela prosperous, democratic, united, to promote the effort and ensure legal certainty for all ", we do not see empantuflarnos to the grave danger that looms over the future of Venezuela.

is important to emphasize that the present authorities have more than four years at the helm of the party leadership Copei, deciding perhaps not the best possible destinations for the organization, systematically denied any form of democratic consultation and openness, with attitudes of what they say fight and reject. Some authorities closed and opposed to growth, whose sole policy is the involvement of all agencies centralized functional match to most bureaucratic agencies with a national steering bodies and torpedoing any form of reconciliation. And despite controlling all the party structures, limited enrollment, recens and boycotted any attempt to apply the holding of elections.

The victories achieved in the twelve municipalities nationwide and in the government are the product of Táchira the effort of all Venezuelans copeyanos and Democrats, there is express the popular will in these elections emerged a legitimate leadership in the forging of democratic combat and it makes sense that the electoral strength may be expressed in the new authorities of the party, that different candidates or public figures who did not stop the fight, which have remained stubbornly flags and principles of the party have the opportunity to be counted. We can not give the government's argument candidates in different electoral confrontations, one product of the family agreement, biased and bureaucratic consensus generated from the minority child. For such complex times requires legitimate leadership, capable and courageous, willing to take the risk that the historical moment demands. We can not confront a regime that has the characteristics of President Chavez claims major victory, we do have a party COPEI closed, bureaucratic, undemocratic, less organic and electorally, plagued by political and ideological ambiguities.

WE ARE ALL ONE. Reiterate to the country and the community Copeyanos that internal problems are solved with more, better and greater democracy, that the difficulties and disadvantages that may exist or arise, can only be overcome qualitatively with the effective, intelligent and supportive of all who share a project of society and common country, the differences are settled democratically through discussion and ongoing review of different strategies to apply, wide and genuine consultation with all sectors of the country and party. The unit is not a pipe dream may be a slogan circumstantial, is a fundamental principle not only to promote the output of a scheme to claim absolute and continuous, but mainly to rebuild a country, which fortunately inherit management of such gloomy. Reaffirm our commitment to the country to democracy, to build the future with the country we want and we deserve.

Cacique Carlos Melo and Angel

... "Consider COPEI that democracy does not exist when one party claims the right to think for and controls all the reins of power uncontrollably, that the freedom of elections is not in word beautiful and bombastic statements , but can only be achieved when all citizens, without restrictions or hateful differences are extensively involved in a process where each bias has had guarantees for making their voices heard asking unfettered determination of the electorate by their slogans or their candidates. And in this sense, no one has acted with greater tenacity and determination in defending the democratic ideal proclaimed revolution that COPEI when above constraints and the worst kind of attacks has continued preaching his ideals and asking people not to lose faith and hope in a democratic future "

COPEI MANIFESTO [September 19, 1946 ] http://www.anhvenezuela.org/pdf/textos% 20historicos/010085.pdf