Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Quicktime Shows Online


For each teacher education should be to incorporate and / or integrate the individual to social environment such as free and productive approach to conflict resolution and the full development of his personality.
Teachers at all stages we have the responsibility to form, shape, start the individual, looking to be proud of our country, and we should never try to clipart ideological ideas, ideas that every teacher knows because it formed released, are wrong.
Today our impact should go beyond illogical claims of an individual who lust greatness, should be aimed at encouraging more ideas, the creation ... like flashes of light in every child, youth and adults we have the honor to be able to guide and direct.
Education is a creative process that has been immersed a commitment to the transformation of a society and therefore of its individuals.
Master Simon Rodriguez wrote about the man-centered and strong ideals of freedom.
Rousseau had said: "make that your student is aware of the phenomena of nature, and soon you will see curious." This author stressed the importance of training of the child's personality.
Foerster was concerned "they are always praising children the benefits of freedom, but also are trained to think and act as the subjects of a tyrant"
In today's society, we try to organize the classes and societies in miniature, where the child and the child will be taught and trained almost under the criteria of a single man.
educational programs and projects must be updated to the twenty-first century needs and not vice versa, this scheme leads our society to take positions to see the history note as they were wrong and led to entire countries fail
During the past decade there were no significant or positive changes in education. The revisions and adjustments have not gone beyond the reformulation of objectives and the constraints to educators.
is intense controversy before us daily about what teachers should be given in schools, but there seems to be consensus as to which should be a free man in all respects. Adela Yelitza Osuna. COPEI-El Junquito.